Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Sueños Figurados

sur·re·al·ism noun \sə-ˈrē-ə-ˌli-zəm also -ˈrā-\ - the principles, ideals, or practice of producing fantastic or incongruous imagery or effects in art, literature, film, or theater by means of unnatural or irrational juxtapositions and combinations.

In the pursue of her dreams, the Artist Aida"Coli" Ramos began her Art Studies at La Liga de Arte de San Juan at an early age under the direction of her mentor Prof. Ramiro Pazmiño. Following her passion for the Arts, Coli took courses and work under the direction of renowned Artists John Balossi, Myrna Báez and Rafael Rivera García, which later let her achieve her dream of winning a third place and a second place in the VIII and IX Certamen Universitario de Artes Plásticas del Recinto de Río Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, respectively.

After a temporary absence from the Art Scene, she came back with a new vision, which only life experiences can provide, to continue studies and work under the direction of Artist Prof. Luis Ivorra, among others. 

Her work is on exhibit at the Calería del Anexo at La Liga de Arte de San Juan. The opening night was October 10, 2013 and will continue up to November 20, 2013.

En mis obras incorporo la pasión a una realidad manipulada, mezclada y transformada por un escenario onírico. 
Uso mi imaginación, combinando diferentes elementos que no necesariamente existen, tomado algún detalle que he observado." 
Aida "Coli" Ramos 


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

IVORRA: Espacios Urbanos

Art - "works produced by human creative skill and imagination".

La Liga de Arte de San Juan presented last Thursday, October 10, 2013, at Galería Delta de Picó,  the Opening of Luis Ivorra's Espacios Urbanos. The exhibition will run up to November 10, 2013. Ivorra is a painter and sculptor born in Mallorca, with residence in Puerto Rico, and professor at La Liga de Arte de San Juan. We certainly enjoyed his work full of life and color.

Follow the Artist at luisivorra.com
Follow La Liga de Arte de San Juan at ligadeartedesanjuan.blogspot.com

Some pics:

The Artist at Espacios Urbanos Opening Night 
